Create a project

What is a project

A project is a self contained area for each type of lead you want to send in to your CallFast account, or each type of call you want to make.

For example, you might create different projects for demo requests, pricing enquiries, support requests, each brand of your business etc.

A project lets you define separate settings so you can instruct the AI call assistant to behave in a different way for each project.

You also get a unique email address to email leads into for each project. And, you can specify different ways for data to sync for each project.

So for all intents and purposes, each project lets you set everything up individually for the projects specific use case.

How to create a project

To create a project click on "Projects" in your sidebar and then click on the "Create new project" button. This will take you to a new page with step-by-step guidance on how to create a new project.

Project settings

Each project has its own settings so you can define how everything should work for that project. These settings include:

Project details

Project name

Set a name for the project. This is just for your internal use so set it as something descriptive and useful. For example:

Project description

This is a description for the project. Similar to the project name, this is just for your internal use so set it to be something useful and descriptive. For example:

Call details

Background info

Provide some info about your company, your service & pricing to help the AI answer any questions the lead might ask during the call.

This information will help the AI assistant answer questions naturally and confidently if the called person asks anything.

Try to provide broad useful information but also be succinct as this field only accepts 280 characters. For example:

Who should the AI assistant be?

This defines who the AI calling assistant should be. Should it have a name, should it identify as an AI assistant? etc. For example:

What is the AI assistant calling for?

This specifies the reason for the call. This is helpful so the AI assistant knows what the purpose and objective of the call is. This will help the AI stay on track and work towards an end goal. For example:

Has the person we're calling taken an action to prompt this call?

This is useful so the AI assistant knows what has happened prior to the call. This adds further background to support the AI with how to behave on the call. For example:

First sentence

This gives the AI assistant a first line to start the call with. This makes sure that your call opener is always specified and consistent. The rest of the call may go in different directions but by specifying the first line you are able to make sure that all calls start exactly as you would like them to.

We will know the leads first name from the lead data you send to us so you can reference this by using: (person first name).

For example you might say:

Example dialog

The example dialog gives you a way to share an example of how a perfect call might go. This will help the AI assistant understand how this call should go, use of language, tone and some points to mention along the way.

Please be aware that the AI assistant won't always stick to this dialog as it depends what the lead says and asks during the call. This is further background for the AI to use as a guide for the call.

For example you might say:

Provide a step-by-step of the ideal conversation flow.

AI voice

We have a range of different AI voices for you to choose from. This defines what our AI assistant will sound like when they call the lead. Take a listen to our AI voice options here ->

Call availability

What is your call availability?

This defines when you will generally be available for a call with the lead. This gives the AI assistant some parameters to work within when arranging the call with the lead.

If you specify a timezone in this call availability please use the TZ Identifier from the TZ Database which can be found on Wikipedia here: - This makes sure the AI assistant has a clearly defined way of calculating the time difference between the leads timezone and your timezone. For example:

What timezone is your call availability based on?

This supports your call availability above. You can either specify it in the call availability, in this section or both. This will make sure the AI assistant gets the correct time for both the lead and your team. For example:

Call settings

Should we ask the lead for their timezone?

If you expect the lead might be in a different timezone to you then you should select "yes". This is important so that the appointment date is set correctly for both parties.


This is the language the call will be in. At the moment we only have English as an option but we plan to release more options in future.

Voicemail action

This setting defines what the AI assistant should do when it encounters a voicemail. Should it leave a voicemail or should it hangup?

Last updated